
Monday, October 28, 2013

Infinity Combined Army Zerat

Hello all,

So, it's been awhile since I've had a chance to blog. I would say that life has gotten in the way by way of my baby boy and working a normal job. Between the two it seems that time just gets sucked away into a vortex. But I'm really, really going to try and post some more in the future.

With that, here is my Infinity Combined Army Zerat.  I personally really like this mini. The pose is spot on and the composition is great. It really gives you a sense and feel of the the wildness of the Morat Aggression force that is on the planet Paradiso, as well as her confidence and strength.

It took me about 25 hours over a month to complete. I feel that I'm starting to slow down a bit. I'm trying to get as much detail as I can and also trying for the smoothest transition with highlights and shadows. I would say that this one was also easier to paint then most Combined Army because the mini its self was very simple.

With this mini I stayed with the Corvis Belli Studio Paint scheme.  I loved it and it forced me to use colors that I usually don't choose - namely the pink hair. In the end I was pretty happy with how it came out and I got a great score on Cool Mini or Not.

Again I used Vallejo Model Color.

Here are some of the colors that used for the Zerat:

Pink hair:                                                          Black: 
Base: Sunset Red                                              Base: Black
Highlight: White                                               Highlight 1: Basalt Grey
Shadow: Blue Violet                                         Highlight 2: Ivory            
                                                                          Shadow: Black

Metal:                                                                Red:
Base: Basalt Grey + Blue Ink                           Base: Burnt Cadmium Red                        
Highlight: White                                               Highlight: Flat Red          
                                                                          Shadow: Dark Prussian Blue +Black

For the base, I used Dragon Forge. The plant is some lichen that I found in the front yard. I think it makes for a great alien plant form.  I used Mig and Secret Weapon pigments to give it that dusty

All in all, this was really fun to paint and I highly recommend her.

So here are some WIP pics and the finished piece.

I hope you like,

And as always thanks for looking! 

If you like what you see and are interested in a commission, or if you have any questions about paint, techniques, or anything else regarding the Infinity Range, please leave a comment below or email at 

Thanks and happy painting,


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Interview I did about Highlighting and Painting technique

Hello all. This is an interview that I did with Sunshine and Moonbeam about Highlighting and Painting techniques. It was a blast - very fun to do. There are 10 episodes on the basics of miniature prep and painting in the first season. They have just started their second season and have scheduled some heavy hitters in the miniature painting industry. Mario from Voices of Mars and Jed Rudy are great guys and you should check them it out.

If you like what you see or hear and are interested in a commission, or if you have any questions about paint, techniques, or anything else regarding the Infinity range or any range, please leave a comment below or email me at 

Thanks and happy painting,


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Infinity PanOceania Orc Trooper

Hello everyone,

Well, finally got a chance to blog about my adventures in miniature painting. I apologize that it took so long to post. Life kind of got in the way. With a new baby and a new job it kind of has been eating away at my hobby time. With that, my blog might be a little slower on updates. But I'm still painting and have some more Infinity posts in the pipe line.

I have gotten some questions about tutorials over the past couple of months and I'm working on them. It's kind of hard explaining the whole process in word or video but I have a few plans. If you have any suggestion please feel free to let me know.

With that, here is an Orc Trooper from the PanOceania faction. This mini is one of the earlier minis in the Infinity range. I personally think that it's one that set the standard for many years. It is well sculpted and nicely cast. The one gripe I did have is that the scale is a little off. It seemed to be slightly bigger then most Infinity minis.

It look me about 20 hours over 20 days to complete. I seem to be getting a little slower in my painting. With this mini I made up what colors were used where and I think it came out pretty good in the end. I also added some other embellishments as well. Like the the number 5 under the Orc Insignia to personalize it a little.

With all of my minis I use Vallejo Model Color.

Here are some of the colors that I used for the Orc Trooper:

Grey Blue:
Base: Prussian Blue + Field Blue + Hall Red                         Shadow: Prussian Blue + Dark Blue Grey
Highlight 1: Field Blue
Highlight 2: Dark Sand
Highlight 3: White

Light Grey: 
Base: Londen Grey
Highlight 1: White
Shadow: Basalt Grey+ Black

For the base I used DragonForge again. It is from the concrete line. With some Mig Weather Pigment to add a little dust. I tried the salt weather technique on the yellow paint but it didn't work the way I wanted it to. Better luck next time I guess.

All in all it was fun to paint and I recommend this mini a lot.

Here are the WIP pics and the finished piece,

I hope you like,

and thanks for looking.

If you like what you see and are interested in a commission, or if you have any questions about paint, techniques, or anything else regarding the Infinity Range, please leave a comment below or email at 

Thanks and happy painting,


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Infinity Ariadna's Duroc of Mirage - 5

Hello everyone,

A new adventure in Infinity miniature painting. This time around it's Duroc of the Mirage-5 Team from the Ariadna faction. I really like this mini. I like the style, the movement, and the overall feeling. The sculptor really captured the mood with the pose, facial expression, and action. The funny thing is a lot of people did not like it. I guess one issue is that in the game his weapon load out is different than the actual mini. To me that still does not take away from a fantastic sculpt and character.

With Duroc I would have to say it took me about 20 hours over a month. Again I went with the studio colors with a few changes - namely the fur. The studio color was white with gray shadows. I went with a warmer gray brown base and built from there.

Here are some of the colors that I used. Again, I used Vallejo Model Color.

Base: Luftwaffe Camo Green
Highlight 1: Golden Olive
Highlight 2: Sunny Skin Tone
Highlight 3: Sunny Skin Tone + Ivory
Shadow: Military Green

Base: Black + Dark Prussian Blue
Highlight 1: Flat Flesh
Highlight 2: Ivory
Shadow: Black

This mini came with it's own scenic base. I thought it looked like dried mud/clay with some rocks on the side so I painted it as such.

On a side note - when I posted this mini on my usual forums it seemed no one really liked it and I got some negative reviews. I was caught off guard by how nit-picky folks were all the way down to my mud not being muddy enough. This was an especially challenging mini as it was larger and had more organic lines and fewer hard edges. It's hard to put yourself out there only to hit a brick wall with the critical opinions that people share so freely. I have no objections to constructive criticism, but I was a little discouraged by the experience. In any case I am personally very satisfied with the finished product. Oh well - can't please everybody.

Here are the WIP pics and the finished piece,

I hope you like...



Thanks for looking.

If you like what you see and are interested in a commission or if you have any questions about paint, techniques, or anything else regarding the Infinity Range, please leave a comment below or email at 

Thanks and happy painting,
